- The Udoo uses GPIO inputs that ARE available through the Linux image.
- The Udoo failed to work with my relays. This was because the relays were 5v relays (perfect for the Arduino Mega2560 I was using), but the Udoo uses a 3v logic level. Simply put, the relays would never work.
- I could put my entire event server package onto the Udoo, and have a self-contained alert system. This was my goal.
Here's what happened.
I found a great tutorial from Adafruit at http://www.udoo.org/ProjectsAndTutorials/linux-gpio-manipulation/. I slapped together some listener programs to watch the GPIO states, and I was suddenly in business again. I no longer needed to upload any code to the Atmel chip on board - I could do it all in native C code, standard-Linux stuff. Those tools were checked into the event server repository (subversion), and have been thoroughly tested.
Next, I needed to be able to work the garage door. I toyed with building a separate, stand-alone device, but I'd already done that, and I was starting to get lazy. I found a device on ebay, http://www.ebay.com/itm/111248757109?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649, that was $50, and had two relays and Ethernet. The downside is this came hard coded to an IP address of I had to use a crossover cable to connect it up, and reconfigure it to use DHCP. It has a simple web-based interface. So, being the nerd I am, I watched network traffic to see what requests were being sent. When I'd click one of the relay buttons on the web page, it would send a request :
When I turned it back off, it sent an identical request. There was no "off" or "on" designation in the requests. Apparently, the device simply took "toggle" commands".
I did find if I left off the ?relay=1, it simply gave me the following page:
I did find if I left off the ?relay=1, it simply gave me the following page:
<font size="5"> one <span style="color:red">0 </span> </font>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<font size="5"> two <span style="color:red">0 </span> </font>
<p hidden>
Status: 0 0
Relay1: one
Relay2: two
- Ensure the switch was in the off position.
- Toggle the switch to the "on" position.
- Wait for 1 second.
- Toggle the switch back to the "off" position.
So, I used the request without the "?relay=1" to get the "Status: " line for the relay I needed. If it had a 1 for that one, I had to turn it off first. In my case, it should ALWAYS be in the off position already. Next, I had to toggle it to "on" position, and a simple request to the following would work perfectly :
Then, I slept for a second, and then made that toggle request a second time to turn it off. I hooked it up, and ran it. Woohooo! I'm back online again! Here's the code I used :
use LWP;
use HTTP::Request;
my $relay_host = '';
my $relay_index = 0;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new('alarmsystem');
$ua->credentials($relay_host.':80',"Protected", 'admin', 'admin');
# FIRST - Ensure this thing is OFF
my $res = $ua->get('http://'.$relay_host.'/relays.cgi');
print $res->content;
if ($res->content =~ /status: ([\d\s]+)/i) {
my (@rows) = split(/[\s\t]+/,$1);
if ($rows[$relay_index] == 1) {
my $res = $ua->get('http://'.$relay_host.'/relays.cgi?relay='.($relay_index+1));
# SECOND - Turn it ON
my $res = $ua->get('http://'.$relay_host.'/relays.cgi?relay='.($relay_index+1));
# sleep for a second
# LAST - Turn it back to OFF
my $res = $ua->get('http://'.$relay_host.'/relays.cgi?relay='.($relay_index+1));